Call 248.509.4141 so we can provide the services you need.
The administrative services that you require, can be completed normally within 48 hours of receiving your project. However, contact us to see if your service can be completed sooner.
Calendar Maintenance including appointments
Calling and returning calls
Flight arrangements (your credit card)
Hotel Accommodations (your credit card)
Letter composition
Typing projects
Composing and responding to emails
Special Projects and more
Back Office Management
Resume Type:
· One-page - Entry level
· One-page - Career
· Two-page - Career
· Two-page - Executive/Corp.
· Cover Letter - (One page)
· Resume updating (2 page maximum)
WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT- Working with you, we'll develop a website specific to your product(s) or service(s). Call for more details and a quote.Includes website assistance, development, and updating
Your new website:
"www.myproduct or"
BLOG MAINTENANCE -Have a blog but can't get to it often enough to generate followers and views? We'll type your new posts and update your blog keeping it fresh and current for you. Call for details and a quote.